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Freeware TeamSpeak


21 Фев 2008
TeamSpeak 3.0.6 Final + Rus

TeamSpeak — компьютерная программа, предназначенная для голосового общения в сети Интернет посредством технологии VoIP. От классического телефона отличается практически неограниченным количеством абонентов, способных разговаривать одновременно. Больше всего это похоже на многоканальную рацию, в которой можно одновременно пользоваться несколькими каналами. При этом доступны все опции, разработанные ранее для удобства использования раций в полевых (боевых) условиях. Программы этого типа предназначены прежде всего для геймеров, но могут использоваться везде, где необходима голосовая связь и координация большой группы людей.

Суть ее работы довольно проста: на машине пользователя с самым быстрым каналом, создается сервер, к которому потом подключаются другие абоненты. В отличие от других подобных программ, в ней нет постоянного соединения, и передача происходит только в тот момент, когда кто-то говорит, то есть активация микрофона происходит либо по уровню шума, либо при нажатии определенной клавиши.

+ Added temporary server passwords, see contextmenu on server. Temporary
passwords are valid for a specified period of time and work in addition to
the permanent server password. The server requires a permanent passwords
set, else temporary passwords have no effect. Needs server 3.0.3 or above.
+ Plugin API updated to 16
+ Added context menu "Paste & Send" in chat line.
+ The away message is now shown beside nickname.
+ Added multiselection for "Permissions > Channel Groups > Clients", the DEL
key works too.
+ Added ban reason sorting.
+ Added line markers for each chat line. Can be disabled via chat display
context menu (default is enabled).
+ Added ability to delete other clients avatar if b_client_avatar_delete_other
is set. Requires server 3.0.3 or above.
+ Removed the confusing soundpack "None".
+ Added animated gif support for avatar and channel description. Can be
toggled in Settings->Options->Design (default is enabled).
+ Added new permission b_client_request_talker, this allows clients to
request talk power. Requires server 3.0.3 or above.
+ Added news browser, meant to point users to new features in the client.
* Added name of the user who granted talk power to the message: "Talk power
granted by X".
* Utilities (update, error_report and package_installer) are now dynamically
* Plugin API changes: Added setPluginMenuEnabled, requestClientIDs,
onClientIDsEvent, onClientIDsFinishedEvent. Removed pluginEvent and
getAPIVersion. Removed plugin_events.h header.
* Added plugin hotkeys, see test plugin for details
* Added version string to uninstall registry entries for display in Windows
deinstall system control panel.
* Phonetic name can now be pre- defined per identiy but still be overwritten in
every bookmark.
* ts3server:// links can now be entered into the Connect dialog. Values from
this link will overwrite existing values from the dialog.
* Collected URLs are now saved in binary file instead of ini, much faster.
* Display server/channel group icons in group list of permissions window.
* All clients list can now also be searched by client unique identifier.
- Fixed contextmenu in chat on ts3server links
- Fixed opening the privilege key dialog without having the permission to see
the key list and also then, all created keys will be shown until the dialog
has been closed or list has been reloaded.
- Minor UI overhaul of privilege key list and add dialog.
- Fixed adding a custom ban even without the permission to list. When adding a
ban a dialog will show if the ban could be inserted.
- Empty ban list no longer shows "Insufficient permissions to view bans"
- Fixed opening URLs with different char encoding e.g. ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1)
having '%F6' instead of 'ö' in filename.
- Fixed opening text chat from a received poke on correct server.
- Fixed no colors in multiline messages.
- Fixed invitation if privilege key contains a plus sign.
- Fixed special HTML characters ( etc) getting lost in chat history
- Fixed special HTML characters in client description
- Clear old server log when connecting to a new server in the server log view
- Changed behaviour of the last tabs close button.
- Fixed broken avatar template values.
- Fixed poke message size limit when message includes URL(s).
- Fixed writing and reading chatlog history. Please backup or delete old chat
logs to start clean or you might feel some strange delay.
- Fixed bookmarks manager reporting unsaved changes.
- Fixed copying nicknames from chat if they contain whitespaces.
- Removed some repetitive settings from options dialog which are also
accessible via contextmenus in the client mainwindow.
- Adjusted client for anti-flood settings fix for server version 3.0.3.
- Fixed an assert with animated images.
- Removed animation of group icons.
- Sorting of server- and channelgroups should behave the same even with
identical sortID everywhere in the client.
- Added Delete keyboard shortcut to subscriptions dialog to remove entries
- Volume control plugin overhaul
- Fixed possibly invalid grant value displayed in permission overhaul
- Removed "Export to PDF" in permission overhaul
- Cleaned up client, channel and server info templates. Added list of all
replacable variables to templates so user can easily restore the removed
information with own templates.
- Removed clientID column from all-clients list
- Fixed banners not reloading anymore when the image was not available.
- Fixed bookmark drag&drop issues on Mac.
- Fixed crash when trying to send an offline message via fake link.
- Fixed copy and paste when text contains an image object.
- Fixed saving first-start-bookmark for not using hotkeys on a temporary uuid.
- Fixed hotkey toggle/activate/deactivate plugin.
- Fixed minor issues using animated gifs.
- Added workaround for G35 sound driver issue (voice only on right site)
Дом.страница: http://www.teamspeak.com/
Год выхода: 2012
Язык: Английский + Русификатор
Таблетка: Не требуется (freeware)
Размер: 30 Mb


TeamSpeak 3.0.6 x86 Final

TeamSpeak 3.0.6 x64 Final




Команда форума
7 Авг 2011
TeamSpeak 3.0.9 Final + Rus

Изменения в версии 3.0.9:
Changed the storage format of the configuration files to a SQLite database. Conversion is done automatically the first time the client is started, all
affected files will be moved to a backup folder.
Increased Plugin API version to 19
Added setClientVolumeModifier to plugin API. Min/Max volume is -50.0 to +20.0
Added getClientNeededPermission and getPermissionIDByName to plugin API
Added missing plugin API parameters for onUpdateClientEvent
Added parsing of channel id "cid=xyz" from invitation link. If you also give a channel name parameter the channel id gets priority.
Added channel/client search in active server tree with STRG+F but only if the server tree has the focus. Otherwise it is the ordinary chat search.
Added hotkey switch to previous/next channel (channel family).
Added hotkey switch to previous/next channel (same level).
Added hotkey request talk power.
Added hotkey revoke all and grant next user talk power.
Added revoke talk power by double clicking the tree icon.
Added revoke talk power and revoke all and grant next user talk power toolbar action.
Added host message preview button which shows the formatted message in a tooltip.
Added Hotkey Gamepad and Joystick compatibility for RAW and Direct Input. Existing Direct Input hotkeys will be converted to Raw Input once Direct Input is activated. Existing Raw Input hotkeys cannot be converted so they have to be reassigned.
Added date and time to server log ("*** Log begins...").
Added bookmarkmanager context menu "sort by name".
After deleting an offline message the next message will be selected.
Moved possible existing serverquery authlogin and authpassword from ts3clientui_qt.conf to ts3clientui_qt.secrets.conf.
Added Made in Germany icon in About dialog.
Chat character counter always located left of newsticker.
Client drag&drop improvements.
Added -silent commandline parameter to package installer.
Package installer stores installed add-ons in addons.ini
Modified tree behaviour to avoid scrolling up/down constantly on crowded servers.
Modified chat scrolling behaviour to keep the chat textoutput in place when new messages arrive while being scrolled up or having text selected.
Added [hr] bbCode support to channel description.
Added save and restore last ban reason when banning a client.
Added offline subject and message character limit.
When dropping many files into chat line the drop text will be just cut off at the end because of the chat line limit. When dropping many files into chat
history and the message length would fit into two separate lines, the drop will be accepted. If the drop text is too long it will be ignored.
Small icons will get extended and centered to at least 16x16.
Added license display to server info (SERVER_LICENSE for template)
Extended logging for querying TSDNS SRV records.
Fixed context menu in channel description edit.
Fixed HTML entities in plain chat log.
Fixed embedding local server banner URL in tags is no longer necessary. Just drop an image from file filebrowser or type a valid ts3image:// link.
Fixed connecting to server via ts3server:// link or invitation if link contains a channel name.
Fixed a reply offline message coloring issue.
Fixed hotkey compatibility issue with keys "M" and "N".
Fixed hotkey issue with "keyboard & mouse only" (no keys were captured).
Fixed display of resized animated banner.
Fixed possibily blocking ban dialog time display.
Don't allow negative ban times.
Fixed icon viewer grid size, which could be broken after uploading icons which don't have the standard size of 16x16.
Updated b_client_is_sticky permission help text.
Fixed unicode usage of updater uncompression tool.
Fixed servericon not updating properly in chat tab.
Removed legacy VAD option from capture options.
Clear temporary statusbar message when typing chats, the max characters counter could overlap with tempoary help texts.
Fixed possible crash when using the -nohotkeys parameter.
Removed built-in serverquery Window. Future server versions do not support this anymore.
Fixed max input length calculation for channel description and offine messages when using unicode and escaped characters.
Fixed group sorting in channel groups of client dialog.
Fixed saving sort column and sort order in offline messages dialog.
Fixed that channel description editor only shows plain text.
Fixed plugin enable/disable checkbox at plastique style.
Fixed joining servers default channel if bookmarks default channel is full.
Fixed copying text from info frame if text is formatted with [list] tag.
Fixed background when dragging files from file browser.
The offline message dialog can be opened once per server and will act on the servers state.
Fixed upload/download state after resuming a transfer interrupted by error.
Fixed transfer state after resuming an interrupted transfer and also the transferred size.[/spoiler]

[B]Год выпуска[/B]: 2012
[B]ОС:[/B] Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
[B]Язык интерфейса:[/B] multilanguage/русский
[B]Лекарство:[/B] не требуется (Freeware)
[B]Сайт программы:[/B] teamspeak.com
[B]Размер:[/B] 30/32 Мб

[B]TeamSpeak 3.0.9 Final x86 + Rus[/B]

[B]TeamSpeak 3.0.9 Final x64 + Rus[/B]


Команда форума
7 Авг 2011
TeamSpeak Final + Rus

- Reverted running privileged behaviour which was changed for 3.0.9 and causes
hotkeys not working with games running as administrator.
- Fixed writing whisper group targets.

Год выпуска: 2012
ОС: Windows XP / Vista / 7
Разрядность: X86(32 bit) и X64(64 bit)
Дом. страница: teamspeak.com
Язык интерфейса: Ml / Английский + русификатор(v4.1)
Лекарство: freeware
Размер: 30/32 Мб





